Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Oh where...is my hairbrush?

Hi, my name is Suzette. I am a hairbrush. I like to come out and explore the world outside the drawer. But I've discovered the world is a scary place, with your tools to burn hair into submission so that it hangs straight. *shudder* Or those powders and brushes that make a girls face look like a painted doll. But worst of all is what you do with that porcelain bowl. I don't want to know, see, or smell that. Nasty, disgusting stuff that is. So please, I beg of you, after you've taken me out to play, return me to my warm, safe drawer. Thank-you.

Disclaimers note:
This is what happens after many failed attempts to remind the other users of my bathroom to put the hairbrush back in the drawer after they use it, rather than leaving it on the counter.


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