Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Shredding Powder

Now that summer is gone, I must admit I am ready for snow. I am starting to need snowboarding again. It is a bit of an addiction I suppose - the adrenaline rush of carving down the mountain. When school starts to get intense, I crave a release - and snowboarding does that for me. Nothing but the wind, the snow, you and your board (and some tunes if you wish). I'm usually the type to go for speed - get a little windburn because you are going so fast - but this year my goal is to learn to ride switch and try (no mention of succeed) a few small jumps and/or rails. Autumn colours are beautiful, but that is all it holds (for me). The heat of summer passes, the beauty of fall comes, and before it is gone I'm ready for the next one. The snowboarding of winter. I don't love the cold, but I'll take it a thousand times over in the name of shredding some powder. Mmm, and when you find some thick, fresh powder that hasn't been touched yet. Now that, that really is heaven on earth. Let it snow!!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Turning 20

  1. Its pretty cool that I no longer have "teen" attached to my name. I sort of label this as Step 2 as the transition to adulthood. Step 1 was turning 18. Step 3 will be turning 21 - legal everywhere! Step 4...25 feels like a good adult age. :)
  2. Thursday I had my birthday dinner with my family. We had pork, cheesy potatoes, almond-orange salad, and seasoned tomatoes. Mmm. (Followed by cake, of course.)
  3. Friday I went out to dinner with two of my closest friends. Afterwards we went to Gateway Lanes and played a few rounds of pool, and then out for ice cream.
  4. Saturday I had a the same friends over just to chill. We ended up watching Kung Fu Panda and Monsters vs Aliens, and then passing out in a heap on my parents bed. Haha.
  5. As a group, we find joy in the simple things. Lying on the floor giving ourselves belly rubs after a big meal (you should try it), and laughing about flatulence. Or playing pool/going bowling/ nights of spontaneity.
  6. This last year has been a tiring, stressful, but overall GOOD year. Things have changed, I've changed, and I can't wait to see what happens next!
  7. In my future I see: more traveling! There are a lot of places I want to be able to experience.
  8. I have the urge to move out. Maybe not all by myself - it would be fun to get a place with a few friends. But traveling complicates matters. We'll have to wait and see!
  9. When I'm done my degree I would like to: Maybe move to BC and teach there? My degree should at least be good in AB and BC, hopefully all of Canada by the time I'm done.
  10. As sad as I am to see summer go, I am greatly anticipating the coming snowboard season. Looking forward to multiple trips to Jasper (and staying in the hostel with friends), and maybe a reading week trip to Panorama.
  11. Next summer: in order to save a few more pennies than this last summer, I'll have to work more, travel less. Instead, I think I'll go camping with friends, maybe a road trip or two?
  12. Finding a church family: We've temporarily left the church we've been attending - to give everyone a chance to breathe. It's hard to find a new place where we all fit, a place that satisfies our family's diverse needs. Even a college & career group would be nice...
  13. My 3rd year of university is an odd mix of less & more stressful. Let me explain. Less stressful because I'm getting better and better at managing my time and figuring out how I learn and study best. More stressful because the courses are getting harder.
  14. It doesn't actually feel any different to be a year older. I like to pretend that I feel older and more mature and all that jazz, but I don't. It is just another day and another year.
  15. I'm learning how to do all the "Mom" things, for someday when I DO move out. Such as making salsa, making turkey, etc. It's fun!
  16. Here in AB, there are two classes of "normal" driver's licences. GDL, and then your normal Class 5. I took my Class 5 drivers exam on Wednesday, in a blizzard, with my summer tires on. But luckily I didn't hit anything, and I passed. What a relief!
  17. Now it is nice out again, but I am getting those winter tires put on tomorrow morning anyways. Ridiculous Alberta weather...
  18. Last day of lessons tomorrow! I haven't actually done the report cards yet. Oops. Guess I should get on that. But it means instead of spending the whole class doing front floats and front crawl (depending on the level), we get to go on the slide and go in the hot tub too! It is a good day.
  19. So You Think You Can Dance Canada Finale on Tuesday. Can't wait, I love that show! My favourites are Tara Jean and Vincent. Everett is a close second for the guys, but I don't have another favourite in the girls.
  20. With the amount of change in the last year, I can't even imagine what will happen in the next. Both good and bad, bring it on!
What have you done in the last day? week? month? year? What do you anticipate in the next day? season? year? What is on your mind right now?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Giving Thanks

I am going to jump on the bandwagon and list a bunch of things I'm thankful for (because I have ALOT to be thankful for!). As many as I am old...well as many as I will be old on Friday.

1. Jesus loves me - always and forever - no matter the stupid things I do.
2. My family - Mom, Dad, Colin, Branden and Bryce - they have stood by my side and loved me through the thick and thin of this last year.
3. My friends - for new friends, for old friends, for friendships that have grown. Colette - my best friend. She's the one who should have been my sister. Michael - he completes our triangle. Stephanie - my God-fearing sweetheart.
4. Opportunities. Having the opportunity to go to Europe and travel for a month. It was the experience of a lifetime. Being able to attend (and excel) at a prestigious university such as the University of Alberta.
5. My job and my coworkers. I think of all the people that hand out a couple dozen resumes in a day and still don't have a job and I am grateful to have a good paying job and people I love to work with.
6. I live in Canada - in contrast to those who live in a country where they are prosecuted for their faith, or in contrast to those who live in a country so poor that they have to fight to survive.
7. Being able to afford luxuries such as my Mac computer, my cell phone, my own car, an ipod, etc.
8. Having a vehicle to drive. I know this sounds like a repeat from #7, but I'm being particularly grateful that I don't have to walk to school - which would be very cold and long.
9. My cats and dog. Molly, Harley, Charlie, Jazz, Ebony and Leia.
10. Being able to live in the country where I can have this abundance of animals.
11. Living close enough to the University that I can live at home affordably.
12. My snowboard, and the luxury of living close enough to the mountains that day trips are feasible.
13. Having a fridge stocked full of food to eat whenever I feel necessary. Especially now at Thanksgiving where I can eat yummy leftovers for a week!
14. A roof over my head and a bed to sleep in.
15. My feather pillow.
16. That I am not married right now. Not that marriage is a bad thing - but I'm not ready to be there, and if God hadn't saved me almost exactly a year ago, I would have been married right now.
17. Not worrying about money. Of course I'm broke - I'm student, I'd have to be loaded to still have money. But I have a job and I have credit - money is not something to be worried about.
18. Bubble baths and massages. After a stressful week of midterms, or after a hard day, nothing could be more relaxing.
19. The changing of the seasons. When it is spring I am grateful for the fresh rain and new flowers. When it is summer I am grateful for the heat and the beach. When it is fall I am grateful for the colours. When it is winter I am grateful for the snow and the arrival of my semester's relief and oxygen: SNOWBOARDING.
20. I am healthy, and I am alive. I have no allergies, I have no terminal illness, I am not overweight or anorexic, and I am not depressed. Physically and mentally I am healthy.

I am so blessed!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009


I think its a female thing. I was going to write a post on how stressed out I was; about little things and big things, silly things and important things. But then I realized that I'm not stressed out - I have a few stressful events that are occupying my thoughts, and I'm a little overtired. So I'm stressed but I'm not - and that itself sends me into a spiral of contradictory emotions. Eventually you're not even sure what you feel? Am I alone in this, am I being over dramatic, or is this really a female thing?

That's not really the point of today's post. What I was going to say - or rather complain about - has a little bit to do with school, and a little bit to do with things in my life I can't seem to get over.

School; I'm trying to finish registering for my courses second semester, but most of the courses I am interested in taking are either only offered first semester, or are scheduled for the same time that I have a different class scheduled for. Why didn't I plan this better? I might end up taking courses I wasn't sure I was interested in, or just only taking four courses total. The latter is less stressful in homework, but means I have to make up that course later on. I have a while before I need to be registered, but I'd like to have it figured out so I don't have to worry about it.

Other; Jordan. He hasn't said anything to me, I haven't had to see him, I should be okay right? Why can't I just move on? It has been a year since the breakup! I feel like I'm pathetic for still struggling with this. I wrote him a letter, saying my peace because I can't seem to get it out verbally. I don't know if I should give it to him or not, because it isn't going to make a difference anyways. I don't want him back - although I'm not sure who I'm trying to convince sometimes. I know more and more every day that he wasn't even my type. I don't even want a boyfriend; well not past the lovely cuddling-having-somebody-who-cares part.

He deleted me as a friend on facebook. His father (our senior church pastor) did too.. Personally, I think this is low. I mean, it shouldn't matter because I'm no longer friends with either of them. But for someone who doesn't even use facebook to sign on a year later to delete his ex-fiance?


That is why I am stressed out. Here is why I am not:

I'm on top of my homework. In fact, I didn't do anything school-productive besides playing with second semester course registration tonight. I finished my assignment that is due Tuesday, last Tuesday. I'm on top of my notes, and I have midterms coming up that I can study for in a few days.

I have four adorable playful kittens that like to use me as a human jungle gym. They are totally tamed, and I love them.

Thanksgiving dinner is Monday - FOOD. Yay!!


So here I am, back to square one. I am feeling contradictory.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


My favourite part of spring is the new batch of kittens that usually arrives mid to late May. This year, however, Molly (our resident Momma cat) miscarried. So no babies. :( Come August we discovered she was pregnant again. She'd already had two miscarriages since last years batch, so we were concerned it would happen again. After we returned from our last camping trip of the summer - she was skinny again. Fearing the worst, we felt for nursing. Sure enough, she'd successfully delivered. Yay!! It took us the next 6 weeks of almost constant searching to find them. Clever cat. Last night I found them in the attic; they were able to get in through a small opening from the garage rafters. After a interesting escapade I managed to sneak in through the hallway attic access and bring the hissing darlings down. (I'm a little sore today.) More than we expected - we were expecting 1 or 2, by the fact that they were so hard to find - but we've got FOUR kittens running around the basement now. I love kittens! Preliminary sexing gives us 2 females and 2 males. Here's a few pics.

From left to right: Jasper, Ebony, Harley & Charlie
Mom is the Calico above them.

Jasper (Male)
All white, slight peach colouring on his ears and tail. Friendliest one.

Ebony (Female)
All black with white hairs framing her eyes (faint). Very frisky, but quite small.

Harley (Alpha Male)
One of the twins, with his own unique marking on his face. It makes him look cranky or "badass" all the time. Both twins have 'siamese' markings on their ears and tail, and a fairly grey coat.

Charlie (Female)
The favourite. She's the other twin, but is whiter than Harley is. She's quite timid, but so precious!