Thursday, September 22, 2011

1 year.

It would seem that I have dropped off the face of the blogging world. I can not even say honestly that I am back to stay. I enjoy blogging, but sometimes I just don't have the time and I don't know what to share. BUT this is something I want to share, and The Old Porch Swing seemed like the best place to do so.

Josh and I have been dating for a year (yesterday). September 21 2011. It has been amazing - challenging and rewarding, and amazing. This man is the love of my life. In this time we experienced the difficulties of long-term dating - I left and moved to Italy for three months. Hardest thing (relationship wise) that I've ever done was getting on that plane January 1st. Most rewarding thing was getting off that plane and running back into his arms April 4th. It definitely made us stronger. I doubt that I would be able to repeat that separation though.

Anyways, back to the subject of today's post. I had class until 8pm yesterday night. Wednesdays are the roughest day of my school schedule. But Josh and I have made it habit that I stop by his house on my way home for a cup of tea. Lovely way to end a long day. When I arrived he presented me with a bouquet of Gerber daisies - my favourite! Then we proceeded to make our tea and relax on the couch. Not seconds after I finished my mug he instructed me to wait inside for a few minutes. When he returned he guided me outside with my eyes closed...

A paper lantern heart with a table and chairs in the centre. A bottle of red wine and a plate crackers and cheese. After sitting and enjoying the moment we moved the table out of the heart and danced. What a perfect evening.