Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Shredding Powder

Now that summer is gone, I must admit I am ready for snow. I am starting to need snowboarding again. It is a bit of an addiction I suppose - the adrenaline rush of carving down the mountain. When school starts to get intense, I crave a release - and snowboarding does that for me. Nothing but the wind, the snow, you and your board (and some tunes if you wish). I'm usually the type to go for speed - get a little windburn because you are going so fast - but this year my goal is to learn to ride switch and try (no mention of succeed) a few small jumps and/or rails. Autumn colours are beautiful, but that is all it holds (for me). The heat of summer passes, the beauty of fall comes, and before it is gone I'm ready for the next one. The snowboarding of winter. I don't love the cold, but I'll take it a thousand times over in the name of shredding some powder. Mmm, and when you find some thick, fresh powder that hasn't been touched yet. Now that, that really is heaven on earth. Let it snow!!!


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