Sunday, October 18, 2009

Turning 20

  1. Its pretty cool that I no longer have "teen" attached to my name. I sort of label this as Step 2 as the transition to adulthood. Step 1 was turning 18. Step 3 will be turning 21 - legal everywhere! Step 4...25 feels like a good adult age. :)
  2. Thursday I had my birthday dinner with my family. We had pork, cheesy potatoes, almond-orange salad, and seasoned tomatoes. Mmm. (Followed by cake, of course.)
  3. Friday I went out to dinner with two of my closest friends. Afterwards we went to Gateway Lanes and played a few rounds of pool, and then out for ice cream.
  4. Saturday I had a the same friends over just to chill. We ended up watching Kung Fu Panda and Monsters vs Aliens, and then passing out in a heap on my parents bed. Haha.
  5. As a group, we find joy in the simple things. Lying on the floor giving ourselves belly rubs after a big meal (you should try it), and laughing about flatulence. Or playing pool/going bowling/ nights of spontaneity.
  6. This last year has been a tiring, stressful, but overall GOOD year. Things have changed, I've changed, and I can't wait to see what happens next!
  7. In my future I see: more traveling! There are a lot of places I want to be able to experience.
  8. I have the urge to move out. Maybe not all by myself - it would be fun to get a place with a few friends. But traveling complicates matters. We'll have to wait and see!
  9. When I'm done my degree I would like to: Maybe move to BC and teach there? My degree should at least be good in AB and BC, hopefully all of Canada by the time I'm done.
  10. As sad as I am to see summer go, I am greatly anticipating the coming snowboard season. Looking forward to multiple trips to Jasper (and staying in the hostel with friends), and maybe a reading week trip to Panorama.
  11. Next summer: in order to save a few more pennies than this last summer, I'll have to work more, travel less. Instead, I think I'll go camping with friends, maybe a road trip or two?
  12. Finding a church family: We've temporarily left the church we've been attending - to give everyone a chance to breathe. It's hard to find a new place where we all fit, a place that satisfies our family's diverse needs. Even a college & career group would be nice...
  13. My 3rd year of university is an odd mix of less & more stressful. Let me explain. Less stressful because I'm getting better and better at managing my time and figuring out how I learn and study best. More stressful because the courses are getting harder.
  14. It doesn't actually feel any different to be a year older. I like to pretend that I feel older and more mature and all that jazz, but I don't. It is just another day and another year.
  15. I'm learning how to do all the "Mom" things, for someday when I DO move out. Such as making salsa, making turkey, etc. It's fun!
  16. Here in AB, there are two classes of "normal" driver's licences. GDL, and then your normal Class 5. I took my Class 5 drivers exam on Wednesday, in a blizzard, with my summer tires on. But luckily I didn't hit anything, and I passed. What a relief!
  17. Now it is nice out again, but I am getting those winter tires put on tomorrow morning anyways. Ridiculous Alberta weather...
  18. Last day of lessons tomorrow! I haven't actually done the report cards yet. Oops. Guess I should get on that. But it means instead of spending the whole class doing front floats and front crawl (depending on the level), we get to go on the slide and go in the hot tub too! It is a good day.
  19. So You Think You Can Dance Canada Finale on Tuesday. Can't wait, I love that show! My favourites are Tara Jean and Vincent. Everett is a close second for the guys, but I don't have another favourite in the girls.
  20. With the amount of change in the last year, I can't even imagine what will happen in the next. Both good and bad, bring it on!
What have you done in the last day? week? month? year? What do you anticipate in the next day? season? year? What is on your mind right now?


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