Sunday, August 9, 2009

Getting Ready

School is less than a month away. What has happened to my summer?? I hate thinking that it's almost time to get back to the books, and there is no way that I'm ready yet! I've been working my tail off trying to pay for school and travelling, and all of a sudden my summer is gone! Four months of summer and its gone. I spent May in Europe, June catching up and working, July teaching lessons, and August will be spent teaching lessons and getting ready.

I've finally been accepted into the Faculty of Education at the University. My official program is the Bachelor of Science/Bachelor of Education Combined Degree. Now that's a mouthful. I have a program sheet with the courses I've taken, and the courses I need to take to finish my degree. So the last few days have been spent dropping courses, registering for courses, rearranging courses, etc. Trying to make my schedule as neat and convenient as possible, all the while staying within my program requirements. By August, this becomes quite difficult. Most classes are filled, and in order to get the courses you need, you end up staying on campus for long hours.

So far I'm taking my first practicum my second semester, and I have really long Tuesdays and Thursdays, but my Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays allow me to sleep in. Yes! First semester is still in the works. I am registered for 3 of my 5 courses, and I'm waiting on room for the other two. Either way, my days look pretty good so far. Phew, one thing basically done. I've also purchased my parking pass...$838 later. After carpooling and driving to school every day for a year I can not force myself to go back to taking the bus. I just can't do it, no matter how much money I would save. Now all that is left is purchasing textbooks/supplies and all the mental preparation. I don't think I could accomplish the latter even if I had a lifetime.


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