Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Night of Spontaneity

Now, first off, I apologize for the lack of pictures. They are coming! I promise! I wasn't the one with the camera, and she hasn't gotten around to uploading them to facebook yet. Complicated, I know. As soon as they are available to me, you can see them too.

Saturday night I worked until 9 with a few of my friends, Michael and Michelle. Since it was a Saturday night, we decided to head into Edmonton and do something, anything. Our first plan was to see Inglorious Bastards, but it was sold out by the time we got there. Our second plan lead us to the Keg for coffee and cheesecake. YUM!! Afterwards, we agreed that it would be lame to go home and spent a few minutes deliberating.

A night of spontaneity with a camera! The Toys R Us parking lot seemed like a pretty good starting point, and we found a few shopping carts to play around with.

How many lifeguards can you fit in a shopping cart? At least three...

We briefly toyed with the idea of getting pulled over by a cop, just to see if we could talk our way out of it. We settled for a picture of a cop car instead. (Good idea) Next we went to the legislature grounds...

I ran through the sprinklers. No one else wanted to get cold and wet. Lame.

Wading through the pools...
And then the camera died. But the night doesn't end there! We found a traffic circle and drove around it 10 times...got a little dizzy. Drove through the "buses only" section at the University...
Probably one of the funnest nights I've had in a long time. Can't wait to do it again, maybe with even more people!


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